Following news that Pearson had been monitoring students on social media, a bill being is proposed in congress to prohibit educational companies from using or disclosing data about students in order to create marketing profiles or tailor advertisements to them. Here’s what bears are saying:

    • wut

      “This is 100% in line with how I’ve raised my own children: to believe that social media is a totally safe space, and nothing you say there can ever be used against you.” Jaden Fleek – Beat Boxer

    • omg

      “Oh well, I suppose we’ll just have to keep aggressively advertising during children’s programming, in their magazines, and when possible on branded products used by their schools, and hope for the best.” Suki Tanaka – Cheesemonger

    • ifuckingloveit

      “I don’t care what my ex and her lawyer and DNA tests are saying, I don’t have any children to worry about”J.P. Tuttlebuns – Windsurfer

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